How Can You Cat-Proof Christmas Trees?

cat looking out from inside christmas tree

Tis the season when we bring in a tree and industriously put it in its base, then trim it profusely. As we stand admiring the newly-decorated tree, the cat saunters in. Knowing how much we adore him, he immediately assumes that we brought that tree in and put all those shiny playthings on it especially … Read more

Do You Know the Tabby Cat Characteristics?

When researching tabby cats, the first thing I learned was that tabbies are not a breed. The name refers to the pattern of the cat’s coat. So what are tabby cat characteristics? Tabbies are the basic type of cat. This cat is the descendant of the wild type, the one from which all others evolved. … Read more

Do You Know How To Groom Your Cat?

mother cat washing kitten

Do you know how to groom your cat? It involves not just brushing and combing, but other things as well. I have to give a vote of appreciation right up front for the information in this post. It came from the ASPCA, and I feel it was an excellent article. If, after reading this post, … Read more

Can We Help These Cats Who Survived The Fire?

While researching tonight for more ideas for cat posts, I came across a story about the horrible Camp fire in California that started November 8. I wish I’d seen this story sooner, because I would have put it on if I had. As it is, though the information is a bit old, it is possible … Read more

Have You Heard of Balance Problems in Cats?

white & grey cat on tree branch

If you have been around cats for any time you have probably witnessed some pretty amazing feats of balance. Have you ever watched them walk along the top of a narrow railing, as confident as if they were walking a 3-foot wide path? They really are pretty incredible. The cat’s balance skills must be the … Read more

Do You Know Your Cat’s Zodiac Sign?

orange cat with night sky

If you know when your kitty was born, you can read a special kitty horoscope below. This document will give you some basic characteristics to look for in your cat. Let me know in the comments at the end of the post if the description fits. Aries (Mar. 21 to Apr. 19) General Characteristics: Prefers … Read more

Does Your Kitty Need Cat Play Toys?

small cat on back legs reaching for ball

Do you know why play is important to your cat?  How is your supply of cat play toys?  Cats love to be mentally and physically stimulated.  With the right toy, they will play happily by themselves, but they also love to play with their owners. Playing teaches kittens many important survival skills.  They learn the … Read more