Enjoy Reading Cat Writers’ Association #7

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You are invited to read my seventh post introducing Cat Writers’ Association members to you. In this post, you will meet four more talented members of the organization. If you wish to purchase any of the books listed by these authors, please let me know in the comment section below this post, and I will … Read more

Cat Writer’s Association Post Number Six

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I am very pleased to be able to bring you a new installment of the Cat Writer’s Association stories. In this “issue”, we have four more members. I’m happy to get to know them and glad to be able to share their stories with all of you. It has been so enjoyable for me to … Read more

Cat Writer’s Association, Post Number Five

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Be prepared to be entertained by information about more Cat Writer’s Association members. Here are three more talented people for you to meet. It is such fun to write up these little sketches of some of you. I will be sending out another group of questionnaires soon, and hope to get enough response to do … Read more

Here Are More Cat Writer’s Association Interviews

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Here is the next installment of interviews with Cat Writer’s Association members. Enjoy reading about these talented ladies, and if you wish to order one of their books, you can do so. In some cases, the author has provided a link, so you can access her directly to order. You can also let me know … Read more

More Stories From The Cat Writer’s Association

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Enjoy reading stories about some more wonderful Cat Writer’s Association writers/members. In this post you will read about six more talented ladies. There are some cute pictures in this selection. If you like these stories, be sure to leave a comment at the end. If you would like to contact an author to learn more … Read more

Meet Some Cat Writer’s Association Members

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To my delight, I was recently accepted as a Cat Writer’s Association member.  CWA is an international organization of 150+ members who write about cats. The group’s members fit many categories, such as writers, editors, bloggers, journalists, photographers, vets, consultants, cat rescuers and filmmakers. The writing from this diverse and creative group covers a wide … Read more