Tips For Traveling With A Cat

cat ready for travel with hat, tickets

Cats are homebodies, for the most part. They do not like to leave their territory, which includes their home and their daily routine. If you must travel with your cat, here are some tips that could make traveling with them easier. Get Them Used To The Idea First of all, take them on short trips … Read more

How To Put Your Cat On A Diet

Fat tabby with white chest, hunkered in grass

The overweight cat is becoming a problem, as overweight and obese cats now outnumber cats of normal weight. Because of these extra pounds, the cat can be predisposed to diabetes, hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease,) and arthritis. In 2011, a study by APOP (Association for pet obesity prevention) found over 50% of cats to be … Read more

Can You Interpret the Meaning of Your Cat’s Wagging Tail?

kitten in teapot sniffing tail, coming out the spout

Do you understand what is being communicated by your cat’s wagging tail? It could be a very subtle message. Dogs are fairly straightforward with tail messages. Cats are far more subtle. Their tail-wagging can have nuances of meaning. The Swishing Tail The direction and the speed of the tail swish conveys their feelings. If the … Read more