Are Cats Social Creatures?

two grey feral cats

Though it is true that we normally see cats singly or perhaps with one or two others, if we own more than one, then what kind of social life do they have? Are cats social creatures? They often seem to prefer their own company, and this is especially true when they are hunting. Cats do … Read more

Learn About Training A Traveling Outdoor Cat

Black cat walking through sculpted rocks

Would you be interested in a guide to taking your cat into the wild? Have you ever visited the website, It’s a wonderful site that will teach you everything you need to know about training a traveling outdoor cat. Laura Moss, animal writer and active hiker, started the website when she couldn’t find an … Read more

Now You Can Teach Your Cat To Talk

As cat owners, many of us have wished our cats could talk, so we could understand what is going on in that cute, furry head. Well, now researchers are developing a way that you can teach your cat to talk. No, the cat doesn’t learn to say words in English, or in any other language. … Read more

Do You Know Your Cat’s Personality Traits?

Two cats rubbing heads, tails erect

Though your cat will have a basic personality, he may show different sides of himself from day to day. Yet you can figure out his basic personality by observing his distinguishing characteristics, thus determining the cat’s personality traits.  In an article in, the author establishes five cat personalities and what they reveal about your … Read more

Maybe It’s The Time Of The Cat

Cat in graduate's cap

“Maybe it’s the time of the cat,” says Adam Miklosi. He has been working with dogs for 25 years, and says it is getting harder and harder to find something new and stimulating to do with them. He states that cats are still exciting. Dogs have been part of countless studies on canine social cognition. … Read more

Cats And Politics: Will They Mix?

Poster picture of Mayor Stubbs, a ginger cat

We find today’s reality fraught with political contests and confrontations. One doesn’t usually find this arena populated by cats. What do you think about cats and politics? Will they mix? Not a common mixture, for sure. However, my state of Alaska has had one positive experience with such a combination. In 1997, the town of … Read more

Lucinda Discusses Cats And Personality

Cat snoozing

Greetings to you two-legged website visitors. Your literate cat, Lucinda, is here to review a story for you. It’s from the book, “The Personality of the Cat,” edited by Brandt Aymar. It’s a story written by Murray Robinson called “Danger – Crazy Cats.” Mr. Robinson tells of several of his adventures with cats who have … Read more

Do Cats Have Memories?

Cat researching in book

Do cats have memories? How much does your cat remember, and for how long? Research shows that cats have a pretty good memory, so let’s take a look at what investigators have discovered. In that small kitty brain, is there any room to store memories? Well, apparently there is. Though your cat’s brain is smaller, … Read more

Unique Cats Break World Records

cat researching in book

Yes, there are some unique cats in the world, and some of them break world records. This post and the included videos will give you a close-up view of a couple of these astounding creatures. There are all kinds of cat record-holders. For example the Guinness Book of World Records tells us that the longest … Read more