Cats In The Movies

Felix the Cat

What is your favorite movie that stars a cat? These days, it is not unusual to see cats in the movies. Sometimes they are the star of the show. So, how did they get their start? Actually, the very first cat star was featured in an animated movie. Remember Felix the cat? First conceived by … Read more

Do Cats Like Music?

upper part of cat dressed in shirt; keyboard

We humans love our music. Our brains send all kinds of acoustic signals received from music that trigger emotions within our heads. Music is a positive force for us, but is it the same for cats? Do cats like music? It turns out that they do like music, but their taste is a bit different … Read more

Human Foods Poisonous To Cats

graph: When I offer my cat people food

Hello, two-legged readers! Lucinda the literate cat here, ready to bring you more valuable cat information. This time we will tell you about human foods poisonous to cats. This post will be a little different, as my CCL (Cantankerous Cat Lady) is going to collaborate (that’s a new word CCL just taught me.) Anyway, I … Read more

What Colors Can Cats See?

black cat at night; eyes glowing

Have you observed your cat’s reactions to his day and asked yourself, “What colors can cats see? To find the answer to this question, one must first understand the anatomy of the feline eye. How Is An Image Formed? A visual image is formed when light rays enter the transparent cornea located at the front … Read more

How High Can A Cat Jump?

Cat high in air, no ground in sight

  When you see a cat jump to an incredible height, it might make you wonder if the cat is practicing for the Olympics. You might ask yourself, “How high can a cat jump?” Many factors combine to determine this answer. You can guess that a kitten or an old arthritic cat does not jump … Read more

What Is The Best Cat Water Fountain?

Cat drinking from Catit Flower Fountain

Recently I’ve had several questions from folks who wanted to know what water fountain they should buy for their cat. “What is the best cat water fountain?” they ask. I vote for the Catit Flower Water Fountain. From my research, I’m convinced that this product could be responsible for many happy cats. It appears to … Read more