How To Put Your Cat On A Diet

Fat tabby with white chest, hunkered in grass

The overweight cat is becoming a problem, as overweight and obese cats now outnumber cats of normal weight. Because of these extra pounds, the cat can be predisposed to diabetes, hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease,) and arthritis. In 2011, a study by APOP (Association for pet obesity prevention) found over 50% of cats to be … Read more

Can You Interpret the Meaning of Your Cat’s Wagging Tail?

kitten in teapot sniffing tail, coming out the spout

Do you understand what is being communicated by your cat’s wagging tail? It could be a very subtle message. Dogs are fairly straightforward with tail messages. Cats are far more subtle. Their tail-wagging can have nuances of meaning. The Swishing Tail The direction and the speed of the tail swish conveys their feelings. If the … Read more

More Famous Quotes About Cats

Black & white cat head in midst of flowers

Many well-known people have had their opinions about cats, and their quotes have been saved and passed on.  Here is a new selection for you to enjoy. They come from a great little book with spaces for pictures.  Mine is filled with cat cards that I’ve received.  The book is called The Cat Notebook, from … Read more

Presenting the Lovely Balinese Cat Breed

Balinese cat standing

The lovely Balinese cat breed is beautiful to look at and is much like the Siamese in temperament. In fact, they are related. The Balinese cat is quite exotic in appearance, but does not come from Bali. Instead, this type of cat was developed by breeders in the United States. The Name Came from the … Read more