How To Put Your Cat On A Diet

Fat tabby with white chest, hunkered in grass

The overweight cat is becoming a problem, as overweight and obese cats now outnumber cats of normal weight. Because of these extra pounds, the cat can be predisposed to diabetes, hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease,) and arthritis. In 2011, a study by APOP (Association for pet obesity prevention) found over 50% of cats to be … Read more

Can You Interpret the Meaning of Your Cat’s Wagging Tail?

kitten in teapot sniffing tail, coming out the spout

Do you understand what is being communicated by your cat’s wagging tail? It could be a very subtle message. Dogs are fairly straightforward with tail messages. Cats are far more subtle. Their tail-wagging can have nuances of meaning. The Swishing Tail The direction and the speed of the tail swish conveys their feelings. If the … Read more

Do You Know How To Groom Your Cat?

mother cat washing kitten

Do you know how to groom your cat? It involves not just brushing and combing, but other things as well. I have to give a vote of appreciation right up front for the information in this post. It came from the ASPCA, and I feel it was an excellent article. If, after reading this post, … Read more

Have You Heard of Balance Problems in Cats?

white & grey cat on tree branch

If you have been around cats for any time you have probably witnessed some pretty amazing feats of balance. Have you ever watched them walk along the top of a narrow railing, as confident as if they were walking a 3-foot wide path? They really are pretty incredible. The cat’s balance skills must be the … Read more

How Does Your Cat Think?

kitten sleeping in wooden bowl

How does your cat think? Does he rely solely on instinct, or are there other factors piloting the kitty brain? Well, according to psychologist Hank Davis, non-humans are a lot smarter and less “instinct-based” than most of us think. He surmises that perhaps we are not quite as clever as we think we are and … Read more

Why Is My Cat Eating Grass?

cat eating grass

Does your cat eat grass?  My cats have always eaten grass.  When the weather was wet and nasty and I didn’t want to let my cat out, I would go out to my lawn and find a handful of grass for him. Then I would feed him the grass, one blade at a time.  He … Read more

Are You Monitoring Your Kitten’s Development Stages?

Kitten seated in pink and white basket

Your cantankerous cat lady received a comment from a reader today. He read one of my posts and mentioned that kittens were his favorites. I got to thinking about kittens and decided a post about your kitten’s development stages might be just the thing. After consulting the Google oracle, I gleaned the information to present … Read more