Do You Know When Your Cat Is Sick?

cartoon of sick cat

Greetings, two-legged readers! Lucinda the literate cat, reporting for duty. My CCL (Cantankerous Cat Lady) has given me a writing assignment that is a little different from my ordinary jobs. She has given me an article to read by Dr. Phil Zeltzman, DVM, DACVS, CVJ, and has asked me to give my views on the … Read more

What Do You Know About Common Cat Allergies?

kitten in kleenex box

Statistics say that nearly 1/3 of Americans with allergies have an allergy to cats and dogs. Common cat allergies affect twice as many people as dog allergies. Surprisingly, it is not the fur or hair that causes the problem. The cat allergy culprit: Proteins in the cat’s saliva, urine, and dander (dried flakes of skin.) … Read more

Do Cats Have Healing Powers?

Jenna Foster

What do you think?  Do cats have healing powers?  Here is a great story from someone who believes they do. My friends, I have a special treat for you.  This story comes from Dr. Jenna Foster, another member of Wealthy Affiliate, the company through which we build our websites.  Our community is very interactive, so … Read more

How Do Cats Communicate?

chart of cat body language

Have you ever wondered, without speech, how do cats communicate? Though they don’t talk, they do seem to be able to make their wishes known to others of their kind. After Lucinda’s column on cat philosophy a few days ago, I started thinking about the ways cats get their ideas across. What I realized was … Read more

Learn About These Cat Eye Conditions

Vet holding grey cat

A healthy cat’s eyes should be bright and clear. But what if they are not? What if they are cloudy or have a discharge? Is your cat constantly rubbing his eyes? There are a number of cat eye conditions that can lead to devastating consequences, including surgery or blindness. Learn the symptoms of these conditions … Read more

Select The Best Cat Health Insurance

Woman vet holding cat

Have you ever considered cat health insurance? What if your pet develops a health condition that requires time and money to clear up? What if your feline needs surgery? Wouldn’t it give you peace of mind to know that such emergencies are covered?  Here are some questions you need to have answered by the insurance … Read more

How To Put Your Cat On A Diet

Fat tabby with white chest, hunkered in grass

The overweight cat is becoming a problem, as overweight and obese cats now outnumber cats of normal weight. Because of these extra pounds, the cat can be predisposed to diabetes, hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease,) and arthritis. In 2011, a study by APOP (Association for pet obesity prevention) found over 50% of cats to be … Read more

Can You Interpret the Meaning of Your Cat’s Wagging Tail?

kitten in teapot sniffing tail, coming out the spout

Do you understand what is being communicated by your cat’s wagging tail? It could be a very subtle message. Dogs are fairly straightforward with tail messages. Cats are far more subtle. Their tail-wagging can have nuances of meaning. The Swishing Tail The direction and the speed of the tail swish conveys their feelings. If the … Read more