Hello, wonderful two-legged readers, from Lucinda the literate cat. I’ve come today to talk a bit more about the differences between you two-leggeds and us cats. For starters, let’s go ‘way back and talk about cats and creation.
Comparing Cat Brain To Human Brain
When the Great Sculptor of Life first began to create all the animals, He started with the simplest forms of life and moved upward to the more complex forms. When He got to cats, He made the brain a bit different from that of the other creatures.
When He found how well the brain worked for this animal, He decided it would be the prototype for the most advanced brain he created for Homo Sapiens.
Thus, though they look quite similar, He added the part of the brain of Man that allowed him to develop language and to learn some more complex skills.
The cat, leading a simpler life, got along well without the complicated extras. He could communicate without having to have speech, and he possessed all the skills he needed.
Egyptians First To Domesticate Cats
Then came the Egyptians, and the cat ended up contracting with these people to

destroy all the vermin in their food supply, in exchange for getting a place to live and food as needed. Thus, we cats became what you call “domesticated.”
Remember — We made the choice to move in with you. You didn’t invite us until we demonstrated how useful you would find us. In those days, you two-leggeds probably couldn’t have survived without our help.
The transition to living with two-leggeds led to many challenges as the years went by. Sometimes the two-leggeds, with their over-developed brains, came up with some very bad ideas. These led to cruelty and suffering, not just for us cats but for other animals under the control of two-leggeds.
These periods of history make me wonder if we would have been better-off avoiding domestication. It’s all a matter of choice. Which set of living challenges are better? Living with two-leggeds or returning to the wild?
Well, many of us made our choice, but just because we moved in with you doesn’t mean we bend to your wishes. We represent a different species; one that thinks and acts differently from you. Even though we may come to love you, we still would like to remind you that we remain free spirits.
Yes, now we live with you, but that doesn’t mean we will follow your every whim. We assess the situation, and act as we feel best, though not necessarily as you would have us act.
Litter Box Blues
For example, the much-discussed litter box. A litter box is not something we thought of, but something we have learned to use at your request. When we lived in the wild, we found what we considered an appropriate spot to do our business. We picked a clean bit of earth to dig in and we covered it when we finished, so predators would not find it.
You have made it clear that we can’t just select what we feel is an appropriate spot. We must use the box you designate. Fine! We will use it — but only if you keep it clean and pristine, like the spot we would find outside. We don’t want to step in an old mess when we wish to make a new one.
If we find a dirty box, we may move on to the rug. Now, we like using the rug because it is soft and warm and our urine soaks right in so you can’t see it. Though rugs seem like good bathroom spots to us, it certainly upsets you if we use it in such a way. Therefore, we have to learn that you will not accept such behavior.
You Make The Rules; We Will Break Them
It seems like you two-leggeds have rules for everything. Why? You hem yourselves in with all these rules, and if we are living with you, you try to do the same with us. We don’t want your rules — save them for yourselves.
Speaking of rules, how about this one? You tell us we must stay on the floor. We cannot jump to table-top, counter top, or any other high flat surface. Not fair! You two-leggeds stand taller than table or counter top usually, but we must stay on the

floor. Being naturally curious, we want to know what we could find on those high places that we can’t examine from the floor.
We can jump very well, so we have no problem leaping up onto tables or counters, or running across the stove-top. Why don’t you let us do such things?
It’s a good thing you don’t mind us sitting on your laps, because then sometimes we can see more of the room and what it contains. After all, a lap allows us a higher view than from the floor.
It’s helpful when you furnish us with a cat tree, because then we can get up high enough to see what goes on in the rest of the room.
Territory Is A Vital Issue
A big issue involves territory. To a cat, territory gains great importance. When a cat resides in a certain area, he stakes out his territory and makes it his own. Then he patrols that area regularly to make sure he finds no intruders.
The reason for territory: It forms a secure area where a cat can operate or hunt. He delights in the sameness of a routine. He does the same thing in roughly the same order every day and has no desire to change.
You two-leggeds seem to thrive on change. You are forever traveling around to some new location or activity. I can’t keep up with all your activities. You make my head dizzy. Too many changes stress us out, and we all know the negative function of stress.
We don’t need this negativity in our lives. We function best when we know our daily routine and can follow it with no changes or interruptions. Too much stress can make us ill or anxious. We don’t need either of these conditions.
Call In The Cat Torturer
Then there is the veterinarian, or what we cats call the “Cat Torturer.” Now, here we

have one of those times when I wish we had speech. Because I’ve learned to read, I understand that the function of the Cat Torturer involves treating us for some physical problem. Maybe it’s one we know we have, or maybe you have discovered the problem through some of your mysterious stores of knowledge.
It would be good If you two-leggeds could talk cat well enough to tell your feline that the vet tries to help, and in order to do so, he might make you uncomfortable for a while. However, this problem with vet-trauma will continue, because cats just do not understand why you take them to that hated place.
Often they get better, and their problem or sickness goes away. However, your cat does not connect the vet with feeling better. Please try to sooth and reassure your cat a great deal if you must take him to the vet.
At night when you come home, he might deserve a special treat, or, if he cannot have one, a lot of extra attention and reassurance. He will forgive you, but he won’t like the situation.
When you run into a difficulty with your cat, try to place yourself in his paws for a short time. Try to imagine how you would feel if you were a cat in a similar situation. Give your cat lots of sympathy and love.
On the whole, I think becoming domesticated has improved a cat’s life and health, provided they interact with two-leggeds who treat them well, and not with cruelty or indifference. Though the cat will always remain a free spirit because that forms part of his essence, he partners with you in the hopes of creating a better life.
It’s up to you. Give your cat lots of love and feel gratitude because he chooses to live with you.
Here is a reference to confirm some of my information:
Thanks for sharing your perspective, Lucinda. Good points, all.
Thanks for the comment, Casey. Lucinda is sleeping in this morning, but I am sure she will appreciate your comment.