How Many Hours Do Cats Sleep Each Day?

A cat will sleep an average of 15 hours per day, sometimes more and sometimes a bit less, depending on a number of factors. So, if you have asked, “how many hours do cats sleep a day,” you now know it’s normal for him to sleep a lot. Cats, basically predators, are actually “hardwired” to … Read more

Have You Tried To Make Homemade Cat Food?

Table of fish; cat at corner of table

Follow these simple rules:  Since cats are obligate carnivores, they need a high-protein, meat-based diet. Feeding them a low-protein high-carbohydrate diet will not do. There is no such thing as a vegan cat. If you need additional supplementation, here are essential needs:                            … Read more

Do You Know How To Treat Cat Dandruff?

Ad: Cat Dandruff - Know the signs & Symptoms

If your cat has dandruff, you may be wondering: How do you treat cat dandruff? Have you noticed white flakes on your cat’s fur? Chances are, it’s dandruff. Actually, this condition consists of skin cells sloughed off from your cat’s body. Before you try any kind of treatment, you’d need to contact your vet and … Read more