If you would like to read many, many heartwarming true stories about cats, check out the internet or go to YouTube. In this post, you will receive just a taste of all that’s available to you if you wish to look. Meanwhile, here’s a preview for your reading pleasure.
A cat can cause innumerable stories about its adventures and actions. If you have followed this website for a while, you have read some of these. Just to whet your appetite for more, here are a few for you to enjoy. This first one lays to rest the false claim about aloof and uncaring cats.
Grieving Cat Refuses To Leave Grave
In Central Java, Indonesia, people first heard the cat crying while she lay on a burial plot in the cemetery where her mistress lay buried. The cat refused to leave the grave, even when offered food and water by passers-by.

A 28-year-old man, Keli Kenigau Prayitno, tried to adopt her, but she kept returning to the gravesite. Here she would lie on the headstone of her mistress. Without that human companion, kitty does not want to go home, but stays at the grave.
Obviously, this cat does not fit the description of aloof and uncaring. She stayed at that site for nearly a year, when the story first appeared. How long she has stayed, whether she’s finally found a new home, or if she still goes to her old home for food and then returns, we don’t know.
Yes, Keli, her would-be adopter, followed her, as she left every day for a couple of hours. He found that she went to her former residence and the lady’s children would feed her. After her meal, the cat would go back to the same place. She’d meow for her mistress, and sleep at the gravesite.
If you’ve read this story, how can you ever see a cat as aloof and uncaring?
Cat Learns What To Do When Things Heat Up
Does your cat seem unsatisfied with the temperature in your house? Perhaps kitty should take some lessons from Orion, who has learned to adjust the thermostat to change the temperature. Orion puts his face right up to the thermostat screen to watch the changes he creates.

He’s apparently amazed when he sees the temperature fluctuate. On a TikTok video, a seven-second filming shows the cat in action. During that seven seconds, Orion adjusts the temperature five times, as he seems unable to decide if it should go up or down.
Orion’s cat parent decided she could not let her electricity bill rise just to keep her cat amused, so while kitty can still play with the dial, that thermostat now remains locked in position and can only be adjusted by phone.
Orion’s mom says, “We’ll be fine until Orion learns how to use phones.” For such a smart cat, such new skills may not take long to learn.
Yes, Cats Are Capable Of Deductive Thinking
This story appears somewhere in another post, but it fits very well here. My cat, Carlos, who exhibited so many signs of cat know-how, gave me a demonstration showing how a cat can assess a situation, and make a successful deduction from the information he receives.
We had recently moved to Gustavus, and I’d decided to put up a six-foot high fence around my yard to discourage moose from visiting. The fence had a gate on each of its four sides. At first, we just had pieces of plywood put in the openings until I could find a gate-builder.

Carlos’s cat door allowed him access to the yard, but with the temporary plywood gates, he did not have immediate access to the great outdoors beyond the yard. To remedy this problem, I had a small cat door put in the base of the big fence, giving him a way to leave the yard.
However, when the cat first went out to survey, no cat door had yet found its way into the fence. The temporary gates reached nearly to the top of the fence, though some of these pieces did not extend the full six feet.
I watched from inside, as Carlos walked around the entire yard, looking up at the top of all four gates. He finally deducted, correctly, that the front gate was shorter than all the rest. If he could get out, this gate supplied the means.
Positioned in front of this lowest gate, the cat backed up as far as he could. Then he made a run for it. His first leap took him up about four feet. Then he literally clawed his way to the top, tipped forward, and jumped off.
Success! He deducted correctly, rose to the challenge (literally) and launched himself off the top of the fence. Such a great example of a kitty’s reasoning power.
Get Amazing Cat Rescue Stories Here

You might really enjoy reading the many short stories on thecatsite.com, about rescued kittens returned to health and happily rehomed.
It would not take much to turn this post into a book, as the website has listed many cute stories. Learn about kittens saved from the brink of disaster by kind, caring souls. Check out the website, as it will give you stories about unforgettable cat rescues. Go to thecatsite.com if you would like many good cat stories to warm your heart.
To top off this post, here’s a video from YouTube that will give you some more great stories.
If you have a cat, show some gratitude to your furry family member for being such an outstanding member of society. Your cat may even save your life some day. Meanwhile, know that if you have bonded with kitty, you will receive unconditional love.
That love in itself becomes a treasured gift, as kitty will honor you with such affection. Feel fortunate!
References I used for this post:
thecatsite.com/c/6-amazing-cat-rescue-stories-that-will-melt-your-heart/ dailypaws.com/pet-news-entertainment/feel-good-stories/watch-this-smart-cat-hilariously-adjust-the-temperature-on-smart-thermostat welovecatsandkittens.com/cat-stories/heartbroken-cat-refuses-leave-humans-grave/ https://www.catster.com/lifestyle/overdone-it-telling-cute-cat-stories