Did you know that the chromosomes of a lion and a house cat are not much different? That’s because the cat has evolved into a creature that does not need to make many changes. The cat gives us an example of the perfect evolutionary species. There are relatively few genetic variations from cat to cat because these differences aren’t needed. What the cat has works. It’s what makes a cat unique.
Superior Hunting Abilities

Consider these many factors that contribute to the makeup of this amazing and mysterious creature. First, the cat’s exceptional hunting abilities have helped secure its survival. Those retractable clows help keep the claws sharp so they will be ready when needed. Since they can be retracted, the cat can move silently. Sharp, pointed teeth are designed for tearing flesh and crushing bones, with the help of powerful jaw muscles. Lightning-fast speed makes them a formidable predator. Cats have been clocked at running speeds up to 30 miles per hour.
Their keen sense of smell can help them pinpoint prey. They have the ability to hear sounds up to 65,000 hertz. with those flaring, pointed ears acting as funnels for sounds. Humans can only hear 20,000 hertz. A cat can even hear electrical current! Also, the ears can swivel up to 180 degrees. The only creatures on earth with better hearing are bats and some insects.
Did Someone Say “Treats?”

Have you noticed how well your cat recognizes sounds related to food? He knows the sound of the can opener and may appear from a distant place to see if a treat might be forthcoming. My cat, Mocha, knows his name, but if I simply call his name he will appear only after consideration. He might decide it’s worthwhile to check in to see what I want, or he may ignore me. However, if I call and shake the can holding his kibble, he’ll come running from a long distance away. He knows a treat will be his reward.
If he stashes food for later use, he can remember where it is hidden for approximately 16 hours.
Night-time Is His Friend

The cat has night vision far superior to ours. This creature requires only 1/6 the amount of light we need. Though kitty’s vision is not as good during the day, he makes up for this difference at night. Thus, a night hunt can become very successful.
Have you noticed that the cat’s eyes seem to glow in the dark? That’s because one of the tools he has for better night vision is a layer of reflective material behind the retina, called the tapetum lucidum. This layer accentuates the cat’s ability to see so well at night.
Flexibility Hard To Beat

Not only is your cat an incredible climber, but he makes unbelievable horizontal leaps. He gains this talent because of powerful hind legs and flexible muscles. In fact, this animal is ultra-flexible. He qualifies as a true contortionist, as he can twist and bend his bones and joints in hard-to-believe ways. His flexibility is truly exceptional.
Because of this extreme flexibility, if he falls for a considerable distance, he can twist his body into a position which allows him to land feet-first.
He Knows How To Relieve Stress
If he gets into a confrontation or becomes stressed for some reason, he can calm his own anxiety. He does so by licking his coat. You might witness such action if he is nervous, scared, or anxious. The tongue is coarse, having papillae, or tiny projectiles that point backward. They are made of material called keratin, like the material that forms fingernails. This material is tough and abrasive, and a quick licking of the coat can help settle kitty down after some confrontation.
Wonderful Whiskers

When determining if he can fit through a small space, he uses his whiskers as tape measures. If the whiskers will fit, the whole cat will fit. By evaluating the environment and sensing air flow he can measure a space to see if he can navigate it. Also, those whiskers above the eyes can trigger the blinking reflex, ensuring that the eyes are protected from foreign material.
Fresh Water Is A Must
Even drinking water offers a special ability. The cat uses the tongue to drink water without spilling, He draws water into his mouth with the tip of the tongue, then closes the jaw before gravity can cause the water to spill. Standard measure is four laps per second.

By pawing the surface of water before drinking, the cat can judge its quality. He will know if it is flowing or stagnant. When my caretaker at my homestead decided to provide water for cats and dog in one container, one cat would always scrape the surface to get to the cleaner water underneath — no dog drool, if you please.
The Purrfect Sound
The cat’s purr has the range of 25 to 150 hertz, the same range as that of healing therapies. The purr can help get rid of migraines. It can also relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and assist with healing bones. including joint mobility, bone growth and repair. That lovely sound can also help heal wounds.
Other Extraordinary Abilities
A cat has other qualities which he uses especially to help us inferior humans. For example, because of that sensitive nose, kitty might sniff out evidence of cancer, as documented cases show. One cat named Oscar who lived in a hospice in Rhode Island could sense when a person was near death. He’d curl up on the bed and stay there to help the transition to that final rest.
Cats have the ability to sense earthquakes. Several stories relate how a cat predicted such a happening, anxiously alerting to humans that something catastrophic was coming.
Though your cat cannot speak your language, he can make his wishes known in several ways. First of all, he can make up to 100 sounds, and if you observe carefully, you can discover what he’s trying to say. Watch his body — especially the tail. It signifies moods. An upright tail means the cat feels confident. If frightened, he may puff that tail; if anxious, he may have the tail between his legs. A quivering tail is an expression of love.

Superior Mapping Skill
If you move and forget the cat, he might just find you. He has some type of internal map that allows him to sense where you have gone. Read “The Incredible Journey” for a heart-warming tale about a long-distance reunion.
May The Mystery Remain
Though we humans have some different abilities that the cat can’t emulate, he definitely has his own set of talents that we cannot copy. He has the ability to process approximately 6 million operations per second, and furthermore, practices his skills. The way the cat learns is much the same method as we humans use.
A sense of mystery always surrounds cats, enriched by their storied history and evolving roles. Whether independent explorers or revered home companions, they remain creatures of intrigue worth studying and cherishing
References I used for this post: