These special animals have fascinated humans for years. Though there are now many breeds of cats (TICA – the International Cat Association recognizes 73 standardized breeds,) all of these descended from a common ancestor: Felis silvestris. Humans and cats have cohabitated for thousands of years. Though ancient Egypt encouraged the domestication of cats and indeed worshiped them as gods because of the protection they offered to vital food supplies, the feline-human connection has been around for much longer. A gravesite 9,500 years old in Cyprus revealed a human buried with a pet cat.
Through time, cats took on various roles in different cultures. They went through hard times during the medieval era, when they, and especially black cats, were often associated with witchcraft. As people began to understand them better, their image changed, and today in the United States, they compete closely with the dog as the most popular pet.
Now, they grace our lives with their presence, tracing lineage from ancient times, and astounding us with their unique qualities. Read on to learn some of their amazing abilities.
The Peculiar Biology: Cats’ Intriguing Physical Traits
Wouldn’t it be useful to have retractable claws like a cat? When sharpened, we could use them to climb, and we could retract them when not needed. On the other hand, did you know that, if a cat is in a tree, he must climb down head-first or his claws won’t work to hold him in place?
The cat’s body has more than 500 muscles and 200 bones. There are approximately 23 bones just in the tail. And talk about jumping — the average cat can jump several feet high and wide. The Guinness record-holder, a cat named Waffle the Warrior, leaped seven feet high.
Cats can move their ears 180 degrees. Their hearing is more acute: Where humans can hear up to 20 kHz, cats top that amount at 64 kHz. Even their ear hair — called “ear furnishings” — have the important job of helping to keep kitty insulated.
Did You Know These Cat Facts?
Another important fact to know: A kitten can reach sexual maturity at four months. Therefore, it’s important to get that little female spayed early in her life.
The way your kitty walks ranks on the list of unusual traits. Only cats, camels, and giraffes share this trait: They move both paws on one side simultaneously.
A cat does not have taste receptors for sweets. If your cat wants your ice cream, it’s for the fat, not the sugar. However, know that the cat is lactose intolerant, so should not be given milk or cream.
The Nose Knows

You can’t fingerprint your cat, but kitty’s nose has its own unique pattern, individual to each animal. And, should you wish to count them, you will find that every cat has 24 whiskers, 12 on each side. Those whiskers are very sensitive. In fact, they connect to a part of the brain similar to a visual cortex. When hunting, a cat’s whiskers point toward the prey — in a sense, they can “see” their target with these sensitive tools. Whiskers also serve as a way to measure if the cat will fit through a small space. Please, don’t ever cut these important tools as you will create a disability for the animal.
Cats might seem like they’re from another world with some of their tricks. Take their crazy jumping skills, for instance. A typical housecat can leap up to six times its body length in one bound. That’s like a human clearing a bus in one jump. This impressive feat is due to their powerful hind leg muscles and extraordinary balance. Their remarkably flexible spine allows the cat to twist and turn with great agility.
Special Reasons For Frequent Grooming

Let’s not forget the reasons behind those grooming rituals. Cats spend a large portion of their days grooming, and it’s more than just about staying clean. The licking helps them regulate body temperature, remove loose hair, and even stimulate their skin’s secretion of oils, keeping their coat nice and sleek. It’s a comprehensive self-care routine that reflects their heritage of self-reliance, leaving no need for a trip to the salon for these elegant creatures.
There is another reason for grooming, perhaps not necessary for the cat who lives in your home, but nonetheless regulated by instinct. By keeping himself clean and removing any body odors, he makes it harder for any predators to locate him. The cat remains always watchful.
The Psychology Of Cats: Understanding Their Mysterious Minds
First, know that your cat has a selfish nature, and as such is a proven freeloader. Though many animals willingly “work” for their food, the cat does not prefer to do so. Give your cat a puzzle toy next to an identical bowl of food for free. Kitty will choose the meal requiring no effort.

Nevertheless, the cat is quite trainable. With positive reinforcements, he can learn many tricks. As a believer in self-benefit, he simply wants to know what is in it for him. The cat has a working short-term and long-term memory and can recognize people. He is a social learner and has the ability to imitate humans.
He also has sophisticated communication abilities. If you point to something, he can follow your finger. Test this one by pointing to a piece of food on the floor that he has not seen. Interestingly, though, he cannot see something directly in front of his nose. Add some distance and he’s fine.
If you can learn to interpret his many diverse vocalizations — some sources say up to 100 different sounds — you do well. Watch that which he communicates with his body as well — ears, eyes, fur, for examples. Taken all together you might come up with whole sentences of meaning, such as “You have not given me the food I like and I am displeased.” That’s one of the easier ones to understand!
Ways Your Cat Might Bond
Though a cat’s purr might signify contentment, it also could be a way of self-soothing when he is in distress or pain. It may be up to you to figure out what he’s saying. He might use the purr as a way to show affection and might bond strongly with you. Just remember that at heart he remains fiercely independent.
Though he retains a certain quality of aloofness, he can also form profound bonds with humans and other animals. He shows love through actions, such as bringing you a “gift” or choosing to sleep close to you. He may give a slow blink as a symbol of trust and love.
In essence, understanding cats’ psychological profiles involves appreciating the nuances of their behavior. Observing how they interact with the world and with you give insights into a mind that’s curious and keenly observant. This complex mixture of independence and connection is what makes each cat unique, allowing them to form meaningful relationships with their humans while still being true to their individuality.
Cat Paw-someness: Surprising Facts That Will Amaze You

Here are a few random facts about cats that are pretty amazing. They are fast runners; in fact, the Egyptian Mau has been known to sprint up to 30 mph. If they fall, they instinctively rotate their bodies in mid-air, a talent that allows them to land on their feet most of the time. They are more apt to fare badly in a fall if the distance is too close, as they won’t have time to turn.
Take your cat to visit the ocean and you might catch him drinking salt water. His kidneys filter out the salt. And, if he finds a meaty bone, he can remove all the flesh from it with his rough tongue. Who needs a knife and fork?
Crepuscular Vs. Nocturnal
A cat is crepuscular, not nocturnal. The feline is most active at dawn and dusk. Those soft paws have pads that help muffle the sound of their approach. The pads also emit scents, so when your kitty kneads you, he may also be marking you as “his.” Perhaps the added toes on a polydactyl cat, caused by a mutation, gives him more power to leave his mark.

Cats Can Help Your Health
If you are owned by a cat, know that your health benefits. Having a cat reduces cardiovascular disease and lowers cholesterol. Kitty can also help reduce stress. He might seem aloof until he comes to trust you. Then you can create a bond that enriches both your lives.
Over time, more will be discovered about this remarkable creature. His aloofness even slows down this process, as it is much more difficult to test a cat, than, for example, a dog. If kitty decides he isn’t interested in humoring you, he’ll simply walk off. With time and patience, we’ll get to know the elusive cat better. Meanwhile, we’re fortunate when we can enjoy his companionship. If he also offers his love, we are blessed.
References I used for this post: https://www.dailypaws.com/living-with-pets/pet-owner-relationship/facts-about-cats https://www.thediscerningcat.com/55-feline-facts-that-will-make-you-love-cats-even-more