Today’s post departs from the usual routine and offers you something a bit different. With permission from, we are reprinting a story that I received in my email. Here at the literate cat, we believe in what the cat bandit is promoting.

Read the story of Felix the cat, and make up your own mind:
It all started with Felix. But he wasn’t Felix then… I was seeing my daughter out the door and this black cat darted in. My daughter left, and this odd looking black cat with long legs stayed there, just talking to me. Meow, meow! The door was still open, but he clearly had no intention of leaving the house. Looked for a collar – no collar. Oh, and he’s not fully black – what interesting white patches! Whose cat was this? Not hiding, so too friendly to be feral. And meow, meow, meow … still looking up talking to me.Well, I need to find his family. Somebody was clearly missing a very talkative friendly kitty. So I ushered him into the garage to keep him safe while I called around. Opened a can of Prince’s food (Prince had passed away just three months before). He gobbled, I dialed. I was new to the neighborhood … And had conversations with several colorful characters who had lived there for decades. The pieces were starting to fit together – but it was getting late. That night, my wife and I let the strange black kitty roam our house. Pretty sure that he’d just hide under something. But just a few hours later as the lights went out – POP! He jumped into our bed, circled twice, and lay down purring between our pillows. Still hurting from Prince passing so recently, it was just the right thing at the right time. The next morning, I continued calling and emailing. A picture emerged of this mysterious cat who had roamed the neighborhood for four years, stealing food from pets in the neighborhood. His original name, if you can believe, was Ninja Robot. Adopted by a fellow who lived in a nearby apartment building – but when he moved away, somehow Ninja Robot got left behind. Left to go door to door begging for food, while avoiding the noisy, dangerous, and rather unpleasant local raccoon gang. For two years, that’s what he did. Sometimes he stole food from neighborhood cats and dogs. He was a Cat Bandit. Sometimes he’d charm his way into a house when he could (as you can tell, it worked on me), ask for food, and get it … Then be sent on his way the next morning. Until he was taken in by one of my neighbors, the one with the big house. I’ll respect her privacy, but suffice to say she’s a singer whose name you’d know. You’ve heard her on the radio. And for the first time in far too long this poor cat had a home. And that’s when Ninja Robot became “Thomas.” He was taken to the vet, de-wormed, and well fed. Cared for right. But there was one catch… You see, there were three other cats in that house. And they didn’t like Ninja Robot, a.k.a. Thomas. At all. In fact, they hated him .So Thomas ran away. But hunger (and fleeing the raccoon gang) brought him back. And the three angry kitties chased him away. Three times, this repeated. Until his generous benefactor realized that she couldn’t keep him. She tried to find a home, but couldn’t find a taker. The fourth time he ran away … he ended up at my door. And now he’s part of our family. He has a Forever Home. Loved every day, never fearing the raccoons. He’s Felix now. The last name change he’ll have. For this truly incredible feline who doesn’t have a single mean bone in his body. I’ll confess, he’s probably gained a little more weight than we want … But we’re letting him be plump and happy to make up for four years of stress on the streets. So that brings us to the question you may be asking – what is this “Cat Bandit” all about? Simply put, it’s how you can join me in making as many cats happy and safe as possible (while getting some awesome cat gear in the process). I always wanted to do something for cats. I’ve been a cat guy all my life, as un-manly as that may be. And Felix opened my eyes to something.That there are so many wonderful cats out there. Cats that deserve happiness, but spend their lives at best, alone – but many afraid – suffering – or in pain. Many are euthanized because shelters don’t have the resources to support them. And if you’ll join me, we’ll save lives. We’ll make their lives better, one cat at a time. That’s why I created Cat Bandit. Whether you decide to join as an AdvoCAT member and support happy cat lives that way, or maybe buy one of the hundreds of cat-themed T-shirts in our online store at, you’re joining with thousands of like-minded cat lovers and making a difference! What We Believe We believe that cats deserve to spend their lives happy in a safe, loving environment. We believe cats should be able to live free of fear, pain, and suffering. We believe the best way to do this is to join together cat lovers in a like-minded tribe We believe that celebrating everything feline spreads the word so we can fulfill our mission. Become an AdvoCATWhat do you get when you join us as an AdvoCAT member? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() About Cat Bandit Cat Bandit was named after Felix, a stray ‘bandit’ taking what food he could to survive. Then he found us, we gave him a Forever Home – and then the sweet little bandit took our hearts. Felix was the original Cat Bandit – but there are so many others out there. Now we’re dedicated to saving cats who would be living on the streets or being euthanized in shelters because they can’t find a Forever Home. We’re also different: by purchasing Cat Bandit shirts, not only are you getting an amazing ultra-soft tee – but you’ll be wearing a shirt that brings awareness to cat rescue with heartwarming, funny, and cute artist-created designs. Thank You For Supporting Cat Rescue! We exist to help as many cats feel safe and happy as possible. We do this by uniting cat lovers in celebration of Everything Cat, sponsoring a rescue cat for each t-shirt sold, and through our tribe of cat lovers we bring awareness to issues affecting our feline friends. Contact Info 304 S. Jones Blvd, Suite 893 Las Vegas NV, 89107 LUCINDA AND CCL ENDORCE THIS WEBSITE PROMOTION Lucinda the literate cat and her CCL (Cantankerous Cat Lady) really like this company’s promotion. Go to their website (link above) and look at the great selection of cat tees. Choose one. By your purchase, you will save one cat. Of course, it’s fine to choose more than one. We are all for the movement to make all animal shelters no-kill by 2025. This company does its bit to help, and we applaud them for their efforts. And, thanks to the cat bandit for letting us reprint their story. |
I ordered a shirt from y’all and know I getting all of these messages saying I need to do this or that to get it I hope I do I hope you are legit
Lisa, you must have gone to another site. For one thing, I do not sell shirts from Lucinda’s Jewelry Boutique. You must have gotten hooked into a spam site. We are definitely legit and you would have received a reply directly from us letting you know your order was received, and that we do not sell shirts. I can’t figure out what happened — you must have gotten on another site. Please let me know at when you resolve this issue. I am concerned.
Lisa, I just found this post finally, written on my site in 2023, However, I do not sell their shirts. You have to contact them directly. According to my post, to order a shirt you must go to Whew! Glad I got that figured out! Contact them and see if they can answer your questions. Sorry for the mix-up.