Are You a Fan of Cool Cat Photography?

black cat, blue background

If you visit the Cycladic Islands of Greece, you will find several lovely, whitewashed villages. The warm climate there allows islanders to spend a great deal of their life outdoors. IT’S A CAT’S LIFE IN THESE GREEK VILLAGES In these villages live many cats. Though these cats are forbidden to cross the threshold of the … Read more

Are You Monitoring Your Kitten’s Development Stages?

Kitten seated in pink and white basket

Your cantankerous cat lady received a comment from a reader today. He read one of my posts and mentioned that kittens were his favorites. I got to thinking about kittens and decided a post about your kitten’s development stages might be just the thing. After consulting the Google oracle, I gleaned the information to present … Read more

Friends Are Family You Choose Yourself

black cat sitting on standing dead limb

When I lived on my homesite claim on Spruce Island, often my only companions were my animals, three cats and a dog. They were not just pets; they were my friends. I sincerely believe that friends are family you choose yourself, and if some of my friends had four feet, what difference did it make? … Read more

Do You Find Truth In These Common Cat Myths?

Calico cat, bathing

Cats are surrounded by myth and superstition, probably more so than any other animal.  They have been revered, considered bad luck or good luck, feared, and loved. Always a source of mystery, cats have intrigued us and caused us to invent a multitude of stories about them.  Cat beliefs originated from a combination of ancient … Read more

Is Your Cat Having Fun?

Orange cat and Siamese cat, playing

Is your cat having fun? This question could be an important one. A playful cat  denotes a healthy cat, so if his antics cause you a bit of laughter, be assured that he feels well. Your cantankerous cat lady found an interesting article about cats and the importance of play, written by Pam Johnson-Bennett for … Read more

Do You Know What Your Cat Thinks?

head of dark grey cat looking up

Have you ever wondered what goes on in your kitty’s fuzzy head? How does he think, without language? How does he see the world through his bright, round cat eyes? DO CATS HAVE LANGUAGE? Though they do not speak, cats do have a language of their own. Though not just composed of sounds, it also … Read more

Do You Know Why Do Cats React to Catnip?

orange cat sniffing catnip

Catnip (Nepeta catarea) is a perennial herb, a member of the mint family.  It is safe for cats. The plant is native to Europe, Africa, and Asia, but once it was imported to the United States, it was found to grow well here, too. The plant contains a chemical, nepetalactone, which is found in the … Read more