Is PrettyLitter A Top-Rated Cat Litter?

cat with glasses reading bookAre you looking for a top-rated cat litter to use for your furry friend? Do you think PrettyLitter might be the brand you have been looking for?

I have decided to offer PrettyLitter on my website, as there are some features I really like about it. This post will include information about the product from the PrettyLitter company, as well as remarks I’ve collected from reading reviews of the product, both good and bad.

Hopefully, the post will give you enough information to decide for yourself if you would like to try this product.

Here’s a summary of what the company says:

You can get your PrettyLitter delivered hassle-free every month. It’s simple — first choose the number of cats in your house. Then, a one-month supply of PrettyLitter will be delivered to your door, every month. Shipping is prepaid by the company. We in Alaska and Hawaii are special, though. We need to add $6.95 per bag for shipping.

A single bag per cat once a month typically will last the entire month. Unlike clumping litter, PrettyLitter absorbs all moisture and then eliminates it. Therefore, you do not need to replenish your litter throughout the month.

The litter has a special feature that is extremely valuable.

Since cats are such experts at hiding illness, this litter will tell you more than they will.

The litter will change color depending on the cat’s body condition. It will turn blue or green to show that his system is alkaline. You may thus be alerted to a couple of conditions. The color indicates high urinary PH, which can lead to bladder crystals and stone formation.

If the litter turns gold or yellow, it is measuring metabolic acidosis and kidney tubular acidosis. A low PH, as indicated by this color, can result in calcium oxalate (crystals in the kidneys.)

Red color is the color of blood. This color could indicate bladder infection, bladder stones, or a UTI.

Other prime product features

PrettyLitter is odorless and scentless. When your kitty urinates, the litter traps the odor and then eliminates the moisture. With PrettyLitter, you will never smell that Pretty Litterodor from kitty again.

PrettyLitter will deliver every month with no shipping charge, with one exception. Add $6.95 shipping for Alaska and Hawaii. You will never have to shop for litter again. One of the comments a customer from the PrettyLitter site makes is that “one bag for one month with one cat is spot on accurate.”

So, with this litter, you have less scooping, less dust and muss, and it is up to 80% lighter. A box of PrettyLitter weighs four pounds.

The highly-absorbent crystals do not clump, but instead absorb moisture and traps all odor, eliminating urine. Less work, no odor, less mess — just scoop the poop.

This litter is cleaner and safer. Clumping litter often contains bentonite. This substance expands upon contact, forming a clump around the litter. Cats lick their paws after leaving their box. That clay can expand within the digestive tract. PrettyLitter uses non-clumping crystals, safe even if they eat it or breathe it in.

Save more with PrettyLitter. The average owner of a healthy cat spends $200 a year on routine vet care; owners of cats with chronic health issues spend more. Households with one cat spend on average $22 per month on PrettyLitter. Multi-cat households can spend up to $60 per month for their litter. PrettyLitter costs less per month.

So, you can save money on monthly use, plus you can save on potential vet bills by early detecting of a condition that could be a problem. What’s not to like?

This early detection of a potential illness can give you peace of mind, as you can keep daily tabs on your cat’s well-being.

Comments about the product

black cat, blue bow, next to PrettyLitterI’ve read a number of reviews about the product, so I could find out what customers thought of it. I read what buyers said on Amazon and I asked in a few of the Facebook cat groups for opinions. Had they tried it? What did they think?

First, I’ll post the negative comments:

Here’s the downside

A couple of people said that if you buy a bag to check it out, you are signing up for a monthly subscription. It’s hard to get hold of the company to cancel a subscription. More than one person remarked on the difficulty of reaching the company to discuss a problem or make a change.

Some folks say that the super-small crystals get all over the floor. Apparently it is pretty easy to get litter samples in every room, as it tracks over the house easily.

The major complaint made by several people was that the urine pools in the bottom of the box, which causes odor. There were a couple of complaints about the smell.

One person said their cat wouldn’t even try it.

There were positive comments, too

At the end of a series of negative comments on Amazon, one man wrote that all the complainers were wrong. He says that if the litter is stirred once a day, it will not pool in the bottom, and it will not smell. This person said that the only downside was that it tracks pretty badly, so he just keeps a vacuum handy to clean it up.

Another person from a cat group I belong to wrote a long reply to my question about the litter. She said the litter was wonderful, and she was very thankful to have it. One of her comments that I particularly liked was that she could lift it, and had no difficulty getting it into the litter box.

I understand this benefit — I have been using scooping litter in 40-pound bags. I can’t lift them to pour…getting too old for such things…so I have to use a scoop and scoop many, many times to get enough out to fill the cat box.

My “take” on the product

I really like the idea of receiving just what you need once a month and not having to3 bags of PrettyLitter shop for it. I like that the boxes of litter are not too heavy. In my eyes, that is a great plus.

I think a major benefit this product offers is that it can alert us to some health problems our cat might be having. Because the cat tends to hide illness instead of telling us about it, any tool that aids us in understanding the state of their health is very useful.

I do have one question about the crystals.  As mentioned earlier, the bentonite in clumping litter can be harmful, especially in young kittens.  Has any testing been done or information provided about the crystals in the litter?  Is there any way they could be harmful to the cat if it ingested them?

I believe the company should make sure people can contact them easily. Customer service, especially with a new company, can be all-important in getting that business established.

I also think they need to offer customers a one-time purchase for a trial before they have to sign for a monthly subscription. After all, the bottom line is what your cat will think of it.

If they do not offer instructions with the product informing the customer that the litter needs to be stirred thoroughly every day to eliminate moisture and odor, I believe they should add those instructions. They will have happier customers.

Other than that, the product sounds like it might be just what you are looking for. Since I have not used this product as I do not currently have a cat, I would love to receive comments on my site from folks who have tried it. I am getting another fur baby soon, and am interested in trying this product, so please add your experience and opinion. Others would also like to know what you think of PrettyLitter.

Pretty LitterIf you would like to try a bag of PrettyLitter, you can order your first bag right here for a 10% discount.  

Free Shipping (Add $6.95 for Alaska and Hawaii)

Innovative new product — try it out and let us know what your kitty thinks of PrettyLitter!

To order, click on the image to the right or on the blue highlighted banner below.

10% Off First Charge. Use Code: AFF10 Applies to first charge only One use per customer No End Date

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