Here Are Some Reasons Why Cats Are Better Pets Than Dogs

When it comes to choosing a furry companion, the debate between adopting cats or dogs is one that has sparked countless discussions. Both animals offer unique traits and bring joy to their human companions in different ways. However, some people find cats to be the superior choice for a variety of reasons.

What makes a pet ‘better’ can largely depend on personal preferences and lifestyle needs. Issues like space, time for care, and the environment someone lives in all play crucial roles in this decision. In this discussion, ‘better’ focuses on the factors that make cats exceptionally suited to a wide range of living situations and owner types.

What Is Your Home Life Like?

Are you gone a lot, or do you spend more time at home? The independent cat may adjust easier if you have to work and spend a great deal of time away from home. For one thing, a cat sleeps a lot. Kitty can snooze from 13 to 16 hours a day. Thus, the cat may sleep while you follow your daily routine.

Cat with mouse
On patrol

If you live in an apartment in a city or in a small suburban home and need to keep your pet inside, these conditions may influence your choice. Cats adjust better to being indoor pets. Also, though you can leash-train your cat, you do not need to take daily walks with your pet.

Are you plagued with rodents who sneak in through small openings and then may bring dirt and disease? A cat’s natural hunting instincts will keep these creatures out of your house and will provide some exercise and amusement for your kitty at the same time. Though they can have problems with fleas or mites, they present less risk of infections from these creatures and other parasites.

Cats Are Cleaner Than Dogs

cat grooming

When is the last time you saw your dog give himself a bath? A fastidious cat bathes daily. The cat’s barbed tongue allows for the removal of dirt and debris on the fur. Also, a cat smells clean, whereas a dog can become quite stinky. Depending on the dog, the natural odor can be unpleasant, but in addition a dog loves to roll in the smelliest thing he can find, especially if it’s something dead. Ewww!

You have to let the dog outside or accompany him to take care of potty duties. A cat is easily trained to use a litter box, and if you clean it regularly, it will not smell bad. When it’s time to clean it, you’ll find it easier than cleaning up dog poop.

Do You Need Alone Time?

Your cat shows more understanding of the need for personal space. Most cats don’t exhibit a clingy behavior, whereas a dog can follow you around, demanding attention. If you need some alone time, a cat is more willing to oblige. He often has the same need, so may understand.

Must You Have An Apartment-Size Pet?

Cat sitting at small table
Cats can be happy in small places

Oh, yes, there are small dogs, but there are also very large dogs. A cat’s size tends to be of a size better suited to a lap or a small bed. Kitty takes up minimal space, usually. A large dog on your bed may leave you no room to sleep, and though the cat may sprawl, taking up more bed space than necessary, in general they prove better sleeping companions.

Once when we had our home on Spruce Island, a politician visited the village of Ouzinkie, where we lived, and needed a place to sleep for the night. We volunteered the extra bed in our living room. We forgot to tell him about the Great Dane who lived with us. He considered that extra bed his personal sleeping spot. The dog took advantage of a warm body in his bed. The poor man got very little space and consequently, very little sleep. Now, if our cat had spent the night with him, he’d have fared much better.

Kitty actually seems tailor-made for living in a small space. A cat does not need the roaming room that is necessary for a dog. For urban dwellers with limited square footage, a cat makes perfect sense.

Less Mess, Less Destructive Behavior

Kipling: cat walked by himself
An independent nature

Cats must rank as the original neatniks. Their toys are small and they don’t tear up large objects and strew them around the house. They don’t carry around huge bones and leave them in obvious places.

Because of the cat’s independence, he does not require constant attention, and does not resort to destructive behavior when left alone for too long a time.

Some Other Advantages

If a cat gets lost, he will be more apt to find his way home. The noise level will be lower. When is the last time your cat barked? Oh, yes, they can meow at great length if they really want something, but your ears will recover. A dog that barks loudly and frequently can disturb your peace.

Cats often live longer. It’s so hard to lose a furry family member, and the cat’s life may add a few more years of enjoyment for your family.

Also, it’s rare that you have to give a cat a bath.

The Quiet Companionship of Cats

Cats often bring a calming influence into your home. They won’t upset the neighbors by incessant barking. Not only that, but their quiet purr can be healing and soothing. They foster peace. It has been scientifically proven that the purr can be therapeutic.

Depressed cat needs cuddle and catnip

The stress-reducing effect of a cat’s presence is not mere anecdote; it’s supported by research. Studies suggest that the simple act of petting a cat can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. This makes them excellent companions, especially for those looking for emotional support without the high energy often associated with dogs. Owning a cat has also shown that it lowers the risk of heart attacks.

In fact, a cat often brings a calming influence into a home, which in itself helps to reduce stress.

Ease of Care: Why Cats Win on Maintenance

The cat demonstrates the epitome of self-sufficiency when it comes to grooming. Their cleanliness is legendary. Dogs, on the other hand, find great pleasure in getting into things that require their owner to bathe them or have them groomed.

Cat in washing machine: Not a litter box?

Litter box habits also create a plus for the kitty. That natural instinct to relieve himself in a specific area saves the owner a great deal of time. If you live on the 4th floor of an apartment building, for example, you must take your dog outside so he can take care of such duties. If only dogs, too, used litter boxes! However, it’s not a change you can expect in the near future.

Cats require minimal training. Oh, yes, you can teach a cat tricks if you wish to spend the time doing so. However, the cat does not need extensive training on how to behave properly. Make sure kitty can find the litter box and show him where meals are served. You really need nothing more.

Cats as Ideal Pets for Various Lifestyles

Cartoon of cats sleeping on person
Never lonesome

For those with a hectic schedule or demanding job, a cat is a low-maintenance companion that still provides warmth and affection. Imagine coming home late, and instead of a whirlwind of energy needing a walk, you’re greeted by a peaceful purr.

Older adults or individuals with limited mobility might also find the relative self-sufficiency of cats more manageable. Unlike dogs that may require regular outdoor time, cats are content with the indoors and don’t demand frequent physical exertion from their own

Don’t forget the health benefits that the kitty offers. These can make the decision easier. Think about what you want as a companion and choose a pet that fits your needs and lifestyle.

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