Do You Know How You Can Tell If Your Cat Likes You?

Cats have received bad press for a long time. Many people still do not realize that a cat proves to be quite a sociable animal. Though dogs still hold a narrow lead in the United States for most popular pet, cats have grown in popularity. Perhaps one of the reasons involves the increasing number of studies done recently about cats. The myth that cats are standoffish and not very friendly is being debunked.

Yes, dogs show their affection in quite noticeable ways, while the cat seems to take some time to warm up to you. In this respect, I see cats as being more like people. They want to get to know you first, and then they will offer friendship. When we meet someone new, we tend to do the same.

If you share your home with a cat, you learn to recognize the signs indicating that your cat thinks you are just fine and takes pleasure in getting to know you. Cats each have their own personality and ways of expressing their likes and dislikes. If you watch for the signs, you’ll figure out how they feel about you.

Cats Speak With Their Bodies

Cat with tail upright
So glad to see you

Learn to read your kitty’s body language. Though he doesn’t speak in words, he offers many clues as to what he’s thinking. For example, his tail lets you know his emotions. When your cat approaches you with that tail held high and perhaps with a slight curve at the tip, consider it a sign of warm feeling. Watch for this sign when your cat enters the room.

A kitty’s expressive eyes can give you great messages about feelings. If your cat looks at you and gives a slow blink, it’s the equivalent to a loving gaze or a gentle smile. Try returning that blink. Now you are letting kitty know you have mutual feelings of love and caring. It’s a “kitty kiss.”

Kitty Chooses You

Kitten butting hand with head The headbonk. Capable of moving anything and anybody..

Does your cat often choose to be in the same room with you? That’s because kitty enjoys your company. Rubbing against your legs indicates trust and a preference to be close to you. My Mocha rubs against me quite a bit. He does not like to be picked up much. That’s something that depends on the cat. Mine is quite heavy, and perhaps he senses that it takes an effort for me to pick him up.

Cat giving dog headbutt
Cat and dog friendship

If a cat chooses to spend a lot of time in your company, cherish this sign that he really cares for you and has bonded with you over another. It’s another sign of kitty love.

Head-butting ranks high in signs of affection. Mocha usually does head-butts after I’m in bed, because I’m much more approachable when lying down. He also gives me delightful nose kisses then, or when we’re on the sofa together. He’s purring all the time, another sign that he really feels happy being near me.

Special Gifts Sometimes Come Your Way

Sometimes a cat will bring you a gift. It might be something he’s caught or something he finds interesting and entertaining, such as a leaf. Mocha brought me a special gift once. We had a squirrel who found a way to get between the walls inside the house. Both the cat and I were driven to distraction by this “foreign invasion.”

Though Mocha wanted out in the worst way to catch that creature, I would not oblige him. Finally, one day he escaped and vanished for a short while. Later, I opened the door and there was a dead squirrel at the doorstep. The cat came around the corner and walked up to me, all proud of his achievement. No more squirrel between the walls — I was grateful.

Cat chasing mouse
Bringing home the bacon

As With Us, Personal Space Has Great Value With Kitty

Respect your cat. Treat kitty with understanding and compassion and you will become rewarded. Know that your kitty values personal space, just as you do. Honor this boundary if you wish to develop a loving relationship with your cat.

A dog gives blindly without discrimination. That’s very nice, but a cat expects you to earn his respect and love. Which kind of behavior do you prefer? Wouldn’t you rather know that you have earned your pet’s caring and loyalty?

Be My Valentine

The head-butting ploy has a rather unique meaning. The cat has special glands in his head and cheeks that release pheromones when he rubs or butts those areas against you. It’s like he is marking you with a “you are mine” sign. Now he has mingled his scent with yours, letting the world know that you two have a special connection.

The Purr-fect Connection: Vocal and Physical Expressions of Feline Affection

Cat talking
Telling it like it is…

Do you have a talkative cat? Some cats “converse” more than others. This habit may be partially related to breed — for example, Siamese cats have a reputation for being talkative. My Mocha has some Siamese — the shelter where I got him told me he was a “lynx-point Siamese.” Whatever his breed, he certainly likes to carry on a conversation.

Perhaps your cat does not “talk” so much but purrs a great deal. Most cats purr when they are relaxed and happy. I’ve heard of cats that don’t purr, and I feel sorry for them. If you have such a cat, watch for the other signs of affection that he might give. Know also that sometimes a cat purrs if he is sick or in pain.

I’m fortunate — so far Mocha’s purrs have been sounds of contentment. Often in the morning before we get up, he’ll climb up on my chest and purr a real symphony of happiness. Oh, yes, if your cat shares your bed, that’s definitely a sign that he thinks you are the cat’s meow.

Interesting, that every cat I’ve shared my home with has slept with me, but each in his or her own favorite space. Mocha’s is unique — I sleep on my side and Mocha likes to curl up behind my knees. When he settles in there, I know he’s prepared to go to sleep.

A Great Companion And Helper

Cat at register. Sign says, "If you need assistance, please ask cashier.
A true working cat

What about assistance with your tasks? A favorite with many cats, and indeed with Mocha involves “helping” to make the bed. I think the cat feels this activity allows him to interact with all the endless things we do that he can’t figure out. “Helping” with bedmaking puts you on a more equal basis.

Does your cat choose to assist with other tasks? I’ve had cats who felt it important to chase the broom and attack it when I swept the floor. Perhaps playing at protecting you?

Marks Of Affection And Trust

Does he groom you? That’s definitely a sign of affection. At one time I had a cat who really liked a young, bearded fellow who shared our home. If the fellow stood by the refrigerator, the cat would get on top of it and groom that beard, doing his best to straighten out all the kinks. Funny, that you never know what will attract the cat.

Another activity that shows contentment and trust occurs when the cat “kneads” with his paws, either on you or close to you. My supercat, Carlos, incorporated the kneading activity into his bedtime routine. He liked to knead the edge of my pillow just before we went to sleep. Fortunately, he kneaded the pillow only, never my face.

A sign of great trust comes when kitty rolls on his back and shows that soft, vulnerable tummy. Some cats like their tummies stroked, but some consider your succumbing to that pleasure as a signal that he can now encircle your arm with all four feet and kick vigorously. Know your cat!

The Games Kitties Play

Black cat playing with red feather

If you wish to reinforce the bond with your kitty, establish regular play-time — or perhaps make the play a spontaneous occurrence. Today I went into Mocha’s catio while he napped there to cut some tall grass that took up too much space. Mocha became quite intrigued by the feathered seed heads and decided they looked like a great plaything. We had a good game of “catch the green feathers” and both enjoyed it — a new game variation that brought us both pleasure.

Beyond the Surface: Emotional Bonds and Consistent Behavior

By playing together, you strengthen the bond between you in a very positive way. Watch how your cat’s eyes light up and their body language becomes more energetic when they engage in a playful chase with you. This shared joy is a true indicator of your cat’s affection.

Remember, your cat’s affection is demonstrated through the trust and comfort they find in their daily interactions with you. By maintaining a stable environment, respecting their individual needs, and being attentive to their patterns of behavior, you will deepen the emotional bond that you share.

Be patient and observant and you can learn how your cat feels and what activities increase your bond. Look for consistent signs of kitty’s affection in your daily life together. By nurturing this unique connection, you’ll build a lasting relationship rooted in mutual affection and understanding.

References I used for this post:

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