Have You Considered The Ethics Of Cat Ownership?

Roomful of cats all saying, "I am God"

Humans and cats have a long, intertwined history. With that in mind, have you ever considered the ethics of cat ownership? First of all, can you truly “own” another living creature? You can own a toy or a piece of furniture. If you consider the idea of owning an animal, does that animal really belong … Read more


There will be no new post this coming Wednesday, January 24, as I am headed to Juneau for a dental appointment, the first of the week. I will have no internet access while in Juneau. I’ll be returning here on Thursday, the 25th, and will have a new post for you the following week. Hope … Read more

May You Have The Best New Year Ever!

Hello, all — since we’re a bit late for Christmas, Lucinda and I will do the next best thing, and wish you a new year that is full of joy, promise, and fulfilled dreams. See you in 2024! From Lucinda the literate cat and her cantankerous cat lady

Researchers Uncover New Information About Cat Evolution

Scientists keep uncovering data which reveals new secrets, this time about cat evolution. Dr. William Murphy heads up a team of researchers at Texas A&M University who have discovered new explanations about how cats have evolved into different species. Their study includes well-known species such as lions, tigers, and also domestic cats. These discoveries reveal … Read more

Can You Learn About Socializing Your New Pet Cat?

kittens in pair of shoes

Do you have a new cat who lacks some necessary social skills? Perhaps he never received proper training when he was a kitten, and has a few bad habits. So, you can help him break those habits by learning about socializing your new pet cat. Mocha has now lived with me for a little over … Read more

Have You Ever Met The Hardy Siberian Forest Cats?

The Siberian Forest cats, their name now shortened to the Siberian cats, have been around for hundreds of years in Russia, and could receive validation as a Russian national treasure. This medium to large cat has an overall appearance of excellent physical condition along with strength and balance. Many of these cats live in rural … Read more