Does your cat object when the brush comes out and you want to do some grooming? If you have a cat who loves to be brushed or who has learned that this process can be a pleasure, you are a step ahead of the game. If you find the grooming job a challenge, here are some tips on grooming your cat.
First, recognize the coat type. Is your cat short-haired? If so, you are in luck, as the grooming process is much easier. Long-haired cats have a long, luxurious mane that requires quite a bit more attention. Some hit the middle of the road, having medium-long fur. My Mocha falls into this category.
Short-Haired vs. Long-Haired: Different Techniques

Short-haired cats prove to be lower maintenance, as they need only occasional brushing, mainly to remove loose hairs and reduce shedding. You might perform this task weekly, using a soft-bristled brush. A short session will do.
Medium-long or long-haired cats require more attention. They may require daily grooming to keep their coats tangle-free and looking their best. After all, they only have a small tongue-shaped brush to do the whole job, and it must get tiring — especially for a large cat. A cat does like to look good, so help them out by handling part of the grooming chore.
Make Grooming Part Of The Routine
Be aware that cats like routine. Schedule your time for grooming at the same time, one that is convenient for both you and your cat. Don’t disrupt kitty’s life. Don’t interfere with feeding or naptime. Try for consistency, so the cat will come to recognize your help with grooming as part of the routine.
Mocha is such a strange creature! You’d think he would appreciate a little help with this daily task, but he objects to the whole process. I have to wear a pair of gloves when I groom him, so he can’t bite me or scratch my hands. The strangest part of his behavior is that he purrs throughout the entire time I’m attempting to groom him, even though he objects strenuously. I think he likes the attention.

Shedding Season
Remember that your cat’s coat will go through seasonal changes. You will see these particularly during spring and fall, when you might notice more shedding. A short-hair coat has only one layer and will prove easy to maintain with a weekly brushing. A long-haired cat has two layers of fur. The summer coat is thinner, while the winter coat will add a fluffy, thick outer layer. You will find the most shedding from such a cat comes when summer approaches.
Know Your Cat’s Coat
Besides knowing what kind of coat your kitty has, get to know something about the hair. Is it prone to matting? Is kitty’s skin dry? Are there any skin issues, such as bumps or fleas? Regular brushing will help you recognize such problems so you can deal with them. Understand your cat’s individual needs when helping with the grooming process.
A gentle grooming session can be a time of relaxation and connection, providing comfort and trust. Plus, for cats that may not enjoy being groomed initially, consistent and gentle practices can help them get used to it over time. I’ve found that, by regularly grooming Mr. Persnickety Mocha, he has become more accepting of the process.
Tools of the Trade: Essential Grooming Equipment

You will find lots of grooming tools out there, and it can be difficult to select the best one for your cat. Here are some tips to help make the selection job easier.
First, brushes: For a short-haired cat, you can use a simple rubber brush or mitt. These can pick up loose hairs and give your cat a gentle massage. Those grooming gloves have become increasingly popular. They slip onto your hands, adding protection from biting and scratching and feel like a gentle petting session to your cat. After researching for this article, I’ve ordered a pair of grooming gloves for Mocha, as I think they will prove extremely helpful in overcoming some of his objections to the process.
Special Equipment For Long-Haired Cats

Long-haired cats might need some more specialized tools, like a wide-tooth comb or a slicker brush, which are excellent for detangling knots and preventing matting. Mocha’s brush is the kind with the push-button on the back, which pushes the accumulated fur outward, so it is easy to clean from the brush. He also has a wide-toothed comb. He does get occasional matts, so I tend to work at those over several sessions, to keep the experience less stressful for my cantankerous kitty.
Another trick that works for me: Getting out those matts can become quite uncomfortable for Mocha. I’ve found that if I give him a serving of kibble to munch on while I work with the comb, he will put up with a tremendous amount of discomfort from that dratted tool.
If you think they would be helpful, you might also consider flea combs, nail clippers, and even deshedding tools designed specifically to reduce hair loss.
Maintaining Your Tools And Your Cat
A bit of maintenance is key to keeping tools effective. Brushes and combs should be cleaned regularly to remove accumulated fur and dirt. A quick wash with soap and water will usually do the trick, keeping everything in tip-top shape.
At times, you might require professional grooming, especially if you encounter significant issues with matting or shedding. Know when to call in the experts, as it can save you both time and frustration, and will ensure your cat’s coat remains healthy and vibrant.
Mastering the Art of Cat Grooming: Tips and Techniques

First, select a time when the cat is more relaxed. Perhaps this time occurs after a meal when they are settling down for a nap.
Pick a brush with soft bristles, such as a pin brush, or a grooming mitt. Remain calm and be gentle. At first, let your cat sniff and explore the grooming tools, satisfying that ever-present curiosity. Start with a few gentle strokes to get them used to the situation. At the same time, speak calmly and soothingly to reassure kitty that you offer enjoyment, not torture.
Brush a small area first, such as a little spot on the back. Do a few strokes, then stop and wait a few seconds. If the cat allows it, offer treats to encourage this behavior. Follow the direction of the fur. If your cat starts showing stress, such as swishing the tail or flattening the ears, take a break.
Safety First

Practice safety. Be cautious with sensitive areas, such as the legs, stomach or tail. Be especially gentle with these areas. Many cats feel vulnerable when you touch the stomach, as this area gives you access to their vital organs. They need trust to let you groom that tummy. When we lived in Kodiak, I had one cat named Loose Cat that offered the ultimate in trust. You could lie him on his back and stroke that lovely tummy, and say, “Dead cat, Lou.” He would remain in that position, all four feet in the air, and go to sleep.
If your kitty seems uncomfortable, don’t force the grooming session. Do what you can and let him have a break. That’s what I have to do with Mocha when working at matts. We do a little at a time, and when he finishes his kibble treat and wants to leave, I let him. We work the matts out eventually.
Cats do not care for baths. However, if your cat has a coating including lots of mud, it may be necessary. If you must bathe kitty, make sure the water temperature is not too hot, and always use a shampoo that is designed for use with a cat.
Make The Experience Enjoyable
Having fun is part of the groomer-owner experience. Turning grooming into a bonding activity makes it less of a task and more of a shared moment. Use favorite toys and verbal praise to add a playful element. Some cats may even appreciate the process more as they become familiar with the routine, seeing it as another form of interaction.
References I used for this post: