Can Cats Predict Natural Disasters, Illness, and Death?

grey and white cat gazing into distance

The fascinating cat has some extraordinary abilities, but believe it or not, there are scientific explanations for these talents. Historical tales abound with stories of cats predicting natural disasters, illnesses, and even death. So how can these miraculous powers be explained? Unfortunately, scientific studies on this topic are scarce. There are many anecdotal stories about … Read more

Some Fascinating Facts About Cats That Might Astound You

Car rubbing against baby

These special animals have fascinated humans for years. Though there are now many breeds of cats (TICA – the International Cat Association recognizes 73 standardized breeds,) all of these descended from a common ancestor: Felis silvestris. Humans and cats have cohabitated for thousands of years. Though ancient Egypt encouraged the domestication of cats and indeed … Read more

Learn How To Create A Lasting Bond With Your Cat

Cat with sign: Hello, setting healthy boundaries is putting my needs first, not being selfish

Cats are fascinating creatures, each with their own quirks and personality traits. Spending time simply observing your cat can reveal so much about what makes them tick. Pay attention to when they’re most active, what toys they prefer, and how they interact with people and other animals. This doesn’t just help in understanding them; it … Read more