Most Common Signs That All Is Not Well With Your Cat

It is very important to get to know your kitty. By observing what is normal for him or her, you are making the first step in spotting when something is off. Cats have a routine and like to stick to it, and any changes might result in signs that all is not well with your cat.

Pay attention to how your cat interacts during playtime, both with you and with other household members. Is your once social cat hiding more often? Perhaps kitty acts unenthusiastic, instead of being happy to join in the game.

Striped cat waiting by empty bowl

What about eating and sleeping patterns? Mealtime is an important part of the routine, and if the cat does not finish the food, take note and try to understand why. Perhaps it’s just not something they like. My Mocha can get very fussy if he gets a food he doesn’t care for. However, if you can see no explanation, it might be indicative of a problem.

Also, cats have their favorite sleeping spots, and if kitty sleeps too much or too little, it might suggest that the cat is not feeling in top form. Stress might also affect your cat, just as it does with us. New pets, changes in the home, or a difference in the regular routine might cause them stress. Learn to recognize what is normal so you can tell when something is off.

Physical Signs That Indicate Health Issues

By observing your cat’s physical condition, you engage in a direct way to gauge kitty’s health. Here are some things to look for:

Weight changes: Rapid weight loss might reflect a dental issue or something more seriously. Conversely, sudden weight gain might indicate a range of health issues, including dietary issues.

Sleek black cat on fence
A beautiful sleek coat

State of their coat: The appearance of the coat can often reflect overall well-being. Typically, a shiny, smooth coat indicates health. If the coat is dull and matted or shedding excessively, you might want to investigate further.

Unusual odors such as bad breath might be more than a grooming issue. A cat’s breath can tell you a great deal about their health status.

Swelling or lumps if discovered early may lead to effective treatment. Watch for signs of skin irritation. These can become quite obvious while grooming.

Loss of appetite or increased appetite need to be noted. Take notes when observing physical signs, as these may be helpful later. Along with appetite changes, increased thirst could have a serious significance.

Discharge, from eyes or nose, or ear debris or discharge can all be signs that something is wrong.

Breathing, if wheezing or raspy, or breathing too rapidly can be serious signs of a problem.

Vomiting and/or diarrhea are obvious signs that something is off. It might be a minor problem that rights itself soon or it may require some professional intervention. Be watchful.

Improper litter box use or changes in urination need to be noted. If the problem accelerates, ask your vet. It might be an indication of a urinary tract infection or some digestive issue. Sometimes when a cat eliminates outside the box it’s because the process is painful, and he blames the box.

Limping or trouble jumping might indicate kitty has sustained some type of injury.

Behavioral Red Flags to Watch For

Cat hiding under blanket

A cat can communicate a lot through behavior. For example, unexplained aggression or a sudden tendency to hide might indicate a problem. Avoidance or aggression might signal physical discomfort or stress.

Sudden mood changes might occur because of some physical problem. Lethargy is one such indicator that needs to be explained.

Grooming issues can include several problems. If your cat is overgrooming, it may be due to anxiety or stress. If kitty neglects grooming, perhaps it indicates a physical problem.

Tan cat yowling
Vocalizing one’s feelings

Change in pupil size might indicate a problem. Take note if they do not respond normally. A dilated pupil could indicate that the cat is in shock or has been exposed to a toxin. Constricted pupils might indicate an injury or that kitty feels pain.

Changes in vocalization should be noted. The cat can’t talk our language but can let us know by his tone or volume that something is the matter. Perhaps he has a physical problem or it might happen because of a significant change in their environment or routine.

When to Seek Veterinary Advice

You may not find it easy to decide when you need to call the vet. Sometimes you can wait a day or two, especially with minor signs or when you know the cause. However, there are situations where waiting isn’t wise and professional help is critical.

kitten wrapped in blankets, feeling low

Some symptoms require immediate attention. These include difficulty breathing, constant vomiting, or a visible injury. If your cat is listless, has a swollen abdomen, or is in obvious pain, these are all signals to seek veterinary advice without delay.

Here are some emergency situations:

Trauma: If a cat has fallen and has not been able to land on his feet without injury or if he’s been hit by a car, these are emergency situations.

Difficulty breathing, gums blue, white, or very pale, or if the cat collapses, is unconscious, or not responsive, these are obviously signs of a serious problem.

Seizures, dizziness, lack of balance, circling, or showing an inability to walk are emergency situations.

Moderate to profuse bleeding, crying loudly because of extreme pain, exposure to poisonous substances, or a body temperature over 104 or below 99 are all signs you need professional help.

Orange cat on vet's table, vet taking notes
Regular vet checks mandatory

Not eating: If your cat hasn’t eaten properly in 24 hours, time to call for help.

Many of these are obvious signs of problems, but awareness is key. Observe and respond in the appropriate way.

Routine checkups are necessary. They can help you catch potential health issues early before they become something serious.

Preventative Measures You Can Take

Cat on stool on hind legs in front of hamburger stand
Obligate carnivore

A healthy diet is mandatory. Also, be sure to take steps needed to prevent parasites.

Provide a good environment for your cat that allows him to follow his routine, eat well, have sufficient playtime, and live a comfortable life.

Your notes can be beneficial when talking to your vet. That’s the time to ask any questions you have, and to learn ways to ensure the continued health of your kitty.

Here is a video from my favorite cat daddy for your enjoyment:

References I used for this post:


2 thoughts on “Most Common Signs That All Is Not Well With Your Cat”

  1. This is a very helpful post, one which might save a cat’s life. Excellent advice.

    Our cat Tyrael came to us crying. We weren’t sure it was an emergency, but he promptly urinated all over the floor, in front of us. A quick glance revealed–blood in the urine.

    It was midnight, but we took him to the emergency clinic and they diagnosed a serious urinary tract infection. They prescribed an antibiotic and after a few hours he was much better–no crying, no bloody urine. They gave us the rest of the antibiotic and we took him home before dawn. He lived for many years thereafter.

    I think he might have died if we had waited. He told us what was wrong, in the clearest terms.

    PS: the custom of neutering a male cat at eight weeks may not be in the best interest of the cat. Many vets recommend waiting for five or six months, when the urogenital tract is more fully developed. Tyrael had been castrated way too early. (Not our doing.)

    Of course, you have to keep a young tom inside until his surgery, because once puberty sets in, he will wander, get into fights, and maybe sire a few kittens.

    I’m not a vet. Just repeating what our vet said.

    Thanks for an excellent article.

    • I agree that it’s a good idea not to be too hasty with neutering. I think it’s in the best interest of the cat to wait a little while. I also can appreciate your cat’s telling you there was a problem. I had a similar experience with my Carlos. He was having some difficulty peeing, and when he jumped up on the table next to me and started yowling, I took him to the vet immediately. She had to lay him on his back and forcibly push out the urine. He cried once, but made no move to try to escape. He knew she was trying to help, I think. She gave him medication and he recovered quickly. I’m so glad he told us he was in pain.


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