Have You Discovered How To Keep A Cat Healthy?

If you love your furry family members, you will most likely do your best to keep them healthy and happy. Do you know how to keep a cat healthy? Many factors are involved, and you will have the most success if you understand the basics of good kitty health.

Learn Your Cat’s World View

A cat's world view
A cat’s world view may differ from yours

It behooves you to spend enough time with any kitty family members, so you understand how they approach their day-to-day lives. What is their routine? What are their likes and dislikes? What special little personality quirks makes your kitty unique? Keeping a cat healthy involves, first of all, knowing their way of looking at their world.

If you start by becoming well acquainted with kitty’s normal outlook on life, you will find it easier to recognize when problems occur. Cats tend to hide pain or illness, so it is important to be able to spot such evasive behavior before a problem gets out of hand.

Diet Is Crucially Important

So, to avoid health problems as much as possible, there are certain things that are very important in keeping kitty healthy. First and perhaps most important is what you feed the cat. Start by remembering that cats are obligate carnivores, which means they must have meat to thrive.

Cat eating raw meat

Provide high-quality cat food rich in protein. Avoid feeding cat food that has too many fillers, like corn or soy. Avoid foods containing grain. Grains are not protein and are not needed by the cat.

Make sure all their basic needs are provided by the food. For example, cats must have taurine in their diets. Check cat food labels to see what the food contains. Stick to foods with the AAFCO guarantee that dietary requirements are met.

Stay away from any food that contains animal by-products. These can contain any number of bad ingredients, such as diseased meat, that can harm your kitty. Avoid preservatives, as these can be harmful. Stay away from table scraps. Do not offer a food containing meat meal or meat and bone meal. Real meat is what your cat needs!

Water Becomes A Necessity

Cat drinking from stream

Proper hydration has great importance. Without enough water, your cat can develop a kidney disease. Because of the need for moisture, you’re better off serving a wet cat food. If you can prepare such a food yourself, all the better! Limit dry foods, as these do not contain enough moisture. Provide fresh water at all times. A water fountain can provide clean, running water, which the cat will enjoy.

Signs To Watch For That Might Indicate A Problem

If you spot changes in appetite or behavior, these could be signals that something is wrong. Pay attention to such changes. Has kitty’s appetite decreased or increased? Is kitty suddenly picky about foods? Any of these factors could indicate a digestive issue.

Cat hiding under rug

Is your cat’s sleeping pattern consistent? Does grooming receive the proper amount of time? Does the activity level remain consistent? What about physical appearance? Are the eyes bright and clear, and the coat shiny? Have you detected any unusual swelling? Does the cat hide more often than normal? Have his litter box habits changed? Does he avoid the box, or spend a lot of time in it, scratching but doing nothing? Does the cat cry when using the box?

Speaking of litter boxes, it is most important to keep that box clean at all times. The box should be cleaned at least once a day, and needs to be dumped, washed, and resupplied with litter when it begins to look a bit overused. Is the box located in a quiet, private spot where your cat goes to use it willingly? After all, we require a separate bathroom for our personal duties.

These are all signs that you can watch for. Changes might indicate a problem. That’s why it is so important to know what is normal for your kitty. If you detect changes in normal behavior of the animal, it could well be time to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Regular Veterinary Checks A Must

In fact, taking your cat for normal check-ups at the vet should be part of your regular routine as you care for your furry feline. Some of the problems vets can address, besides indications of illness, are parasite prevention. He/she can also check kitty’s teeth to make sure the cat has no infections or other tooth problems.

Vet examining cat

Vet checkups need to be yearly at a minimum. These checkups often include such things as vaccinations, dental checks, and overall health assessments. Keeping your kitty in good health goes a long way toward ensuring feline happiness, as well as stopping problems before they get a good start.

If your cat has not been spayed or neutered, consider having this procedure done by your vet. It has health benefits, such as reducing the risk of various cancers. It can help prevent behavioral problems such as spraying or aggression. You might have a happier cat after this procedure.

Help With Grooming And Playtimes Have Value

Man brushing cat

Though cats are noted for doing a lot of self-grooming, you can help with this task. Regular brushing can remove loose fur, and is especially important if your cat’s fur is longer. The brushing will prevent matting and reduce shedding. You’ll also encounter less problems with hairballs.

Do you play with your little friend? Do you provide both mental and physical stimulation to keep life more interesting? Plenty of toys, scratching posts, and climbing structures can keep the cat active and engaged.

Mental And Emotional Well-Being For Both Of You

Mental and emotional well-being is just as important as physical health. Cats can suffer from anxiety and depression, especially if their routine changes or they experience stress. Providing a stable environment, plenty of engagement, and sometimes even calming products or medications can help maintain their mental health.

By taking a furry friend into your home, you accept the responsibility for this creature’s care. The cat can’t speak to describe a problem, so you must be observant and play detective so you can recognize a potential problem and find the appropriate solution. You will gain peace of mind and much more enjoyment of your pet, and your kitty will lead a healthier, happier life.

Boy examining kitten through magnifying glass
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